Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Europe- here we come!

Many have mention previous interest in Nazi history and I think that is one of the many common things we as a group have in common. I've been passionated about Nazi history since I was in High School; in fact, my plan for the future was to get station in Germany so I can visit all the places that involved any Nazi activities. I never thought I would be going on a May Term trip during my years here at Westminster BUT I was ecstatic when I heard about this trip and couldn't pass up such an opportunity. It is a double win! I get credit towards my major (Justice Studies) and I also get to experience the whole Nazi trail abroad!

I believe that this trip will allow us to learn beyond what any book could have taught us because we will personally see how gruesome the camps were. I personally know that a trip can have a bigger affect in learning something because just last summer I went to Ghana where we visited slave castle, and I could feel in my bones the horrible feeling those poor A.A went through. I expect so much more from this trip simply because this part of history fascinates me the most (not in a morbid way!).

I hope we all have fun together learning whole also having an adventure of a life time. Just a heads up, I love to document my life which means I will be taking as many pictures as I can during this trip. We have a few more days until we leave to Europe and I can't wait! Let's make this trip memorable.


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