Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Euro Trip? Not quite. Let's get our history on!

Hello crew!

I just want to start off with saying that I am SO excited for this trip! I have never left the country before, and am so glad that this will be my first international experience. To explore the wonderful history of Europe and to see such beautiful places will be an experience I'll carry with me forever. I have always enjoyed history. I have enjoyed learning in general. I'm one of those people that loves listening to lectures and reading. I am also extremely interested in WW2 history, so this will pretty much be perfection.

I'm really looking forward to visiting these historic cities and discovering the stories they have to tell. But I'm also incredibly nervous. To visit a place where I don't know the language and have no sense of familiarity will be an odd experience. Yet it's also something I'm really looking forward to! It's quite an odd feeling, yet I've decided rolling with it is the best route.

With our departure date quickly approaching I am more than ready to begin our journey! I am sure that we will learn and experience so much, yet time will fly by! I plan on enjoying my time the best I can and get the most out of the experience that I can.

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